City of Morden


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About this Course

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Research shows that physically active people are more satisfied with their lives and that exercise itself is strongly linked to happiness. In fact, within five minutes after moderate exercise you are likely to experience a mood-enhancement effect. Getting 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity a week as recommended by Canada’s Physical Activity Guidelines, reduces levels of stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline, and increases endorphins and feel-good chemicals, dopamine and serotonin. Physical activity literally boosts your mood. (Source: Get 60 of your recommended 150 minutes of physical activity this week by joining Amanda Rempel for Cardio Drumming. Cardio Drumming is a fitness class that uses rhythm as its foundation and combines the benefits of group exercise with drumming and body movement. This program is funded by the Mental Wellbeing Grant administered by Southern Health-Santé Sud and Healthy Together Now.


Amanda Rempel